
Team Owaru: Home

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Literature Text

Team Owaru:  Home
[Volha's Home]

Prism:  Impossible.

Mistic:  (Rubbing his forehead.)  Not so much anymore Prism.  The shift has been altered to an extreme; we don't have any idea of what else has changed!

Prism:  This deserves some looking into.  (Looks down throwing a lazy gesture.)  What play are you taking on this situation?

Mistic:  (Motions to the left six steps.)  For Osore to know his Imploding Gesture move, it leaves me interested in what else he's gained.  It's obvious that he hasn't awakened yet, but to see him so close.  (Folds his arms.)

Prism:  (Places a hand on his hip.)  You're worried?

Mistic:  Do you think we did this Prism? (Looks at Prism.)

Prism:  Not sure if what we've done factors into space time continuum shift.  We've done this jump over… (Counts fingers in thought.)  90 times now and this is the first time we've seen this.

Mistic:  (Has an Idea.)  We've done this jump 94 times now, this being the 95th.  Prism, can you analyze the data I gave you and find out what has been handled differently?  Maybe the alterations were of our hand.

Prism:  I'll take care of it.  (Turns to walk away from Mistic and pauses.)  And if I find anything in the data?

Mistic:  I'm not sure yet Prism.  (Rubs forehead.)  Just be sure to report your findings to me as soon as you get them.

Prism:  Understood.

- Prism walks to the edge roof and disappears in a portal.  Mistic looks down at Osore talking to Volha and Mystic.  They appear to be in a bit of a tussle with him and he ponders his intervening.  His thoughts are interrupted when the back door shuts.  He turns around to look. –

Mistic:  There shouldn't be anyone else here.

- Mistic jumps off the roof and lands a few feet in front of Yami.  She looks up to see who had interrupted her trained of thought.  She closes her laptop and pulls off her headset. –

Mistic:  You, what are you doing here?

Yami:  (Coyly.) Who are you?

Mistic:  (Steps forward.)  You're not supposed to be here in this time.

- Mistic steps forward in an attempt to grab Yami.  She exhales, un- budging to his advances. -

[Front Yard- Moments Before]

Volha:  (Patting Osore's head.)  I don't have any more room for people to live here Osore.  We are barely getting by with Mystic being in here.  (Points at Mystic.)

Mystic:  Where are you even finding this people Osore?  (Pouts.)

Volha:  Mystic, is right.  (Folds her arms.)  Why are you going around recruiting more people?  What exactly are you planning for?  Are we getting ready for a war?  (Hands move to her hips.)

Osore:  (Looks to the roof.)  Not a war.

Mystic:  (Arms go up in the air.)  Then what Osore?  From what I've been hearing young man you like leaving everyone in the dark.  (Pokes his chest.)  I'm here now and that stops!

Osore:  (Fixes his attention on her.)  You making demands Mystic?

- Osore's tone of voice stops Mystic in her tracks.  She stares at him with saddened eyes, still unable to find the Osore she knew in him. –

Osore:  (Taps his foot on the ground.)  Point is we have a collective mission and that's been the sanctity of the world, and three of us, just wouldn't be enough.

Volha:  (Places a hand on his shoulder.)  I can understand strength in numbers Osore but my house is not a hotel.

Osore:  (Gazes off elsewhere.) Acknowledged Volha, so stop bickering.

Mystic:  Hey don't talk to her like that! (Pushes Osore.)

- She quickly pulls her arms back, shocked to see he hadn't move from her shove.  It surprises her further when he even cracks a small grin as he looks at her. –

Osore:  As I was saying.  Stop bickering because I've already taken care of that problem.

Mystic:  Oh… (Backs up a little.)  How?

- Volha stands there patiently awaiting his reply.  She places her hands back on her hips and sways her tail patiently.  Mystic calms down as his gaze leaves her and returns to Volha.  She raises an eyebrow to his dramatic pause. –

Osore:  I've found a place to hold everyone up.

Volha:  (Pats her chest.)  I figure as much.  So where is this new place?

Osore:  Whenever everyone's ready to leave, we'll go.

Mystic:  Yay!  I'll finally get my own room!  (Jumps up and down.)

Volha:  Osore?  A moment please?

- Mystic continues to parade about having her own living quarters while Osore and Volha step off to the side.  She places her elbow to his chest and rests her head on her arm.  She looks up at him and gathers a serious face. –

Volha:  How am I going to move my furniture?  I still have payments on this house not to mention repairs.

Osore:  Not to worry, I know you have roots in this place so no need to sell it.  I've covered the repairs and paid off the house.

Volha:  How Osore?

Osore:  A lot of work on my part and I still have money.  I had to thank you for harboring me; did I not?

Volha:  Did you have to word it like that Osore?

Osore:  I don't want you to sell your home; there are many memories here for you.  I do need you to move with us, I'd feel better knowing you were close.

Volha:  (Stands up straight.)  Wait Osore, where exactly are we going?

Osore:  Not far, Colorado.

Volha:  (Sunken expression.)  That's a little far Osore.

Osore:  (Smiles.)  Time for change.  You'll love it.

Mystic:  (Stops and turns to face them.)  Colorado…?

[The Backyard]

- Mistic hits the ground with a thud and shakes a bit, lightning pulsing off his body. –

Mistic:  Damn you Lomenis, is this your will?

- He reaches out and grabs Yami's foot trying to stop her.  She looks back at him and then at her foot.  Without any effort, she frees herself and holsters her device. –

Yami:  Your nose is too deep into this.  Just stay out of my way.

Mistic:  You, you can't stay here…

Yami:  Taking me back now would cause the shift to flux and implode on itself.  Sorry Mistic, but I'm in too deep.

Mistic:  (Fading out.)  All for the love of that man…?  Is the fate of the world… worth it… Lo- men- is?

Yami:  Just stay quiet Mistic.  Everything's going to work out.

- Mistic blacks out and Yami goes inside the house.  There she meets Mystic and Osore talking about the move. –

Mystic:  I just don't think Colorado is the ideal place for us to go.  I think we should sit down and have a collected say on where we go.

Osore:  Colorado wasn't a choice I made for myself Mystic.  It just fits in to our criteria right now.

Yami:  What does?

Mystic:  (Snotty attitude.)  We're moving to Colorado tomorrow.

Yami:  Wow that's sudden.  (Points behind her with a toothy smirk.)  Let me go pack my jammies.

Osore:  On a better note Mystic, why are you so against it?  (Epic Stare.)

Mystic:  (Caught off guard.)  I…

Yami:  (Rolls her eyes.)  Look lets change the subject here.  We are moving, we need to pack up.

Mystic:  (Bewildered and flailing.)  How are you even okay with this?!

Yami:  It's last second and to the point.  (Stretches.)  God I love this team.

Mystic:  Wha?!  (Tail twitch.)

- Osore and Yami depart the living room going their separate ways.  Mystic looks down and goes out the front door. –

Mystic:  This is bad.  Really bad, the order won't be happy about this.  Desertion and failure to eliminate my target.  What would I tell them?  (Pulls out a pen and paper.)  I'll have to figure it out later.  I don't have the time I need to think.  (Sits on the porch.)


    It's me again.  I have wonderful news for you.  It's about Osore.  He's alive and doing very well.  I can't believe we hadn't seen him in 18 years though.  He's not the same little boy we grew up with.  I'm writing because this might be my last letter.  I failed to complete a mission and I've deserted the guild.  I'm going to turn myself over to them when I return to base in Colorado.   I missed you the last time you came to visit, and I know I promised to see you sooner or later but, I'm not sure I'll be able to keep that promise anymore.  Everything was getting so much better too.  Look at me; I'm already talking like I'm dead.  I can't help it I suppose, but I know I have to protect Osore.  I didn't last time, like I should have.  I need to rest now, I miss you Azule.

Thank you for always being there for me, you were the greatest guardian I could ever have.


- Mystic folds the paper and sits it on the ground.  She takes out a piece of chalk and draws a symbol on the ground, placing the letter inside the circle.  She then throws a powder on the note and it sparks in purple flames, disappearing before her eyes.  She clears the circle and goes back inside the house. –

Osore:  You okay Mystic?

Mystic:  (Looks up at him and smiles.)  I'm doing fine Osore.

Osore:  You look sad.  I was just asking.

Mystic:  (Pats his chest.)  Everything is going to be all right.

- She slinks past him, trying to allow the thought of her impending death sink in.  Osore turns to face her and smiles.  He silently moves on her taking her waist in his arms and placing his chin on her head.  She blows air from her lips and looks up at him unable to move her head.  He hugs her firmly. –

Osore:  Whenever I feel things are getting tough for me you know what I do?

Mystic:  (Places a hand on his left hand.)  I don't know actually.

Osore:  I dream of a brighter future.

Mystic:  (Flicks ears.)  What?

Osore:  As long as I dream of the good that might come with tomorrow, I forget my pains and focus on that.

Mystic:  The improbable you mean.

Osore:  (Chuckles.)  Nothing is improbable, only possible.  Get some rest Mystic.  (Kisses her forehead.)

- Mystic stares straight forward, remembering Osore say the same thing when they were younger.  A tear wells in her eye as she turns to see him walking away.  She smiles as the tear falls and lightly sways her tails. –

Mystic:  Suddenly I wonder about you Osore.  Is that little boy still there… somewhere?


- Mistic sits up holding his head.  He looks up, trying to focus his eyes.  With a pained grunt he stands to his feet and shakes his head again, fleeting his disorientation.  He walks back to the house and pauses, clicking his right ear to his head. –

Mistic:  Prism?

- He presses his ear again, this time a bit harder. –

Mistic:  Prism, come in.  Prism!!  (Drops his arm.)  Damn it.  My equipments energy supply has been completely depleted by that discharge from earlier.  I can't even teleport.  (Grabs the door knob.)  Lomenis, just what the hell are you playing at?  Is her meddling what caused the world's demise?  Prism I need you to hurry up and find me.  We have to get a handle on this before the untold happens.

<The Following Morning>

[Front of Volha's House]

Volha:  Don't you think we should've packed the house Osore?

- Osore stands next to Volha's car with his arms folded.  He looks at her and nods with a smirk. –

Osore:  Don't worry about it Volha I have it all handled.

Volha:  I know you do.  (Smiles.)

Yami:  Let's get a move on people!

Mistic:  Indeed, I'm interested to see where this new path takes us.  (Settles in.)

- Volha starts her GPS and puts the car in drive.  Osore floats to the sky and takes off like a bullet.  Mystic sits quietly next to Volha pretending to be asleep.  Yami puts her car in drive and dons sunglasses.  Mistic looks at her and folds his arms. –

Mistic:  Lomenis please.

Yami:  Look, my name is Yami.  Call me Yami.  I hate that title.  Lomenis.  I never understood my people even started calling me that.

Mistic:  You've really upset the balance of time! You could have seriously wounded the future.

Yami:  Worse then what it already was?

Mistic:  Whatever you're doing this for it won't help anything.

Yami:  Look, my business here is my own Mistic and I'd appreciate it if you stayed out of it.  I know full well what I'm doing here and how it might impact the future.

Mistic:  Are you trying to alter your husband's fate?

Yami:  You like to throw that word around a lot huh?  I'm improving the future.

Mistic:  But how?

Yami:  I just am Mistic.  I 'm not in the mood to explain myself to you so just drop this silly discussion.  That is an order.

Mistic:  Understood… Yami.

Yami:  Thank you.  (Throws a glance at him and exhales.)  Mistic, we are on the same team I this alright.

Mistic:  Yes ma'am.  (Closes his eyes.)  Welcome back.

Yami:  Never left my boy.  (Pushes her sunglasses up and picks up speed.)


- Osore stands in front of their new home waiting patiently for them to make their way around the circle driveway. –

Yami:  Osore you dog you!  Look at how huge this place is!  (Turns off her car.)

Mistic:  Indeed, a wonderful abode.  This is to be ours. (Presents his knuckles to Osore.)

Osore:  It is ours.  (Knuckles with Mistic.)

- Yami quickly pecks Osore's cheek and runs inside the house.  Volha pulls to a stop and shakes Mystic. –

Volha:  Mystic, we're here.

Mystic:  (Opens her eyes.)  Hmm?

- She breaks from her sleep as she gazes at the house.  With a white face she gets out of the car and stares lost into the house.  Osore walks up to her and presses his back to Volha's car. –

Osore:  Well what do you think?

Mystic:  This is…

Osore:  When you failed to kill me, some fellow named Phantom was sent to eliminate the both us.

Mystic:  Osore you didn't.

Osore:  I had too.  He came with a ten man cell and attacked the house that night.  I had to defend all of you.

Mystic:  My family.  You murdered them?!  (Becomes angry.)

Osore:  (Bluntly.)  Were you not talking about giving yourself up and letting them kill you?  I did you a kindness.

Mystic:  At the cost of…

- Osore turns on her and presses his forehead to hers.  She quivers at his sudden movement and feels the force of him pushing her down. –

Osore:  People coming together to kill someone they so called cherish is not a family.  Why don't you just say thank you for preventing your sacrifice you stubborn woman!

Mystic:  (Quivering.)  Osore.

Osore:  This is the life you wanted.  You kill people all the time so why are you pretending to mourn for them?

Mystic:  I killed for what was right.

Osore:  Welcome to the club.

Mystic:  Not even!  What you did was.

Osore:  I don't want to hear it anymore.  Next time I'll let you get slain.

- Mystic's heart sinks down into her chest as she gazes at Osore.  He folds his arms and looks at her.  She could tell by his expression he was becoming irritable with her. –

Osore:  Did that hurt your feelings?  Well too damned bad.  If you want to get yourself killed do not ask me to stand by and watch you throw your life away!

- A tear falls from his eye and rolls off his cheek.  Mystic stares at him unsure of herself or even what to do.  Osore covers his eyes and grits his teeth.  A headache coming on. –

Mystic:  I thought you didn't care about me anymore.

Osore:  I could damn well say the same to you assassin.

- Mystic looks down at the ground. –

Osore:  You've had 18 years to hate me Mystic.  I don't see any reason for you to stop now.  I'm going to take a shower.  (Grabs his head.)

- Osore walks off leaving her there.  Mystic looks at her reflection in the mirror of Volha's car. –

[Inside the house]

Yami:  look at this kitchen!  It's got all the fixings in it. 2 Dishwashers, an electric stove, fully stocked refrigerators and pantry, granite counter- tops, and an island.  Got to give it to Osore, he's got impeccable taste.

Volha:  The rooms are also very spacious!  This is much nicer to live in.

Mistic:  I say we get settled in.  After the rough week I've had I could use some R&R.

Volha:  Amen.  (Flops on the couch.)

Yami:  Yeah we should rest up.  We got a hell of a lot of town to explore and still got half a mansion to scope out.  (Looks around.)  Anyone seen Mystic and Osore?

- Osore enters the house rubbing his head.  Yami wonders up to him with joyous praises. –

Yami:  (Places a hand on Osore.)  Hey sport you alright?  You look weathered.

Osore:  It's nothing, I'm just a little strained and a little tired.  I'm headed up to take a shower.  Enjoy yourself Yami.  You need to.

- Yami looks on at him worried as he wonders up the stairs.  Mystic enters moments later and slides past Yami.  She quietly goes up the stairs and heads into a room, locking herself inside.  Volha lets out a long pleasure groan as she stretches across the couch and wiggles her toes.  Yami giggles at the sight and turns to Mistic, whom had made a gigantic sandwich and sat on the island contently feasting on it. –

Yami:  This is going to be a fun adventure.  (Goes and flops on the couch too.)

<That night>

[Yami's Quarters]

- Yami closes her laptop and stretches in her night attire.  She rubs her eyes and looks at the clock in front of her.  With a tired grumble she shifts in her chair before getting up and shutting off her light.  A light catches her eye as she turns off her own.  She peeks around the corner to see a bright light coming from under the bathroom door.  She slowly walks out and knocks on the door. –

Yami:  (Whispering.)  Hey Osore?  Are you okay in there?  You've been in there for a few hours now.  Osore?  (Knocks again.)

- She opens the door and gasps.  Osore stands in the shower nude coming in and out of his accelerated state.  His pupils where gone and he seems in anguish.  Yami thinks quickly and returns to her room, coming out of her teddy bear slippers.  She runs in quickly shutting the door behind her and activating the device. –

Yami:  Talk to me Osore, tell me what's going on.

- He doesn't respond to her.  Instead he leans forward slightly in a somewhat crouched position, his hair turning from light blue to a burning red.  Yami stares in surprise.  Osore's face becomes filled with pain as his hair flips between red and blue simultaneously.  She turns the device on max and touches it to the back of Osore's head.  Smoke flashes off it as it connects to his skull.  Yami stares in bewilderment and a sickly red liquid begin to pour out of Osore.  It formed a hand that it put on his back aiding itself in getting free.  Yami clenched her teeth together, fighting the urge of fear and reaches to tap the intruder.  She fails as the creature roars in her face and pulls free from Osore.  It jumps out the open window without a second glance. –

Yami:  (Holding up Osore.)  What the hell was that thing!  (Sits down with him, holding his head.)  Osore?  Hey Osore?!  Answer me damn it!

Osore:  (Whimpers.) Babochka…

- Yami suddenly goes white. -

Team Owaru:  Home

Chapter 10:  Where the Heart is
Home is where the heart is.

What a true statement that really is.

The team enter the next stage of their lives and Yami is forced to realize a horrible scrutiny.

Was Osore harsh on Mystic?

What does Yami uncover in Osore?

Yami, Mistic, Mystic,and Volha belong to their players.

Prism, sore, and Guilt belong to Me
© 2012 - 2024 Abezguaz
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